Learn about the some of the people who make KVGO great…
Meet the Crew

It takes a team effort to create awesome things. We are not robots, we are a team of talented individuals.

Brian Warren
Overseer of things
“Sometimes things happen, and you see the results in the fruits of the happening.”
Time to learn about the man behind the beard! Brian’s background is focused on Graphic Design, but that only scratches the surface of what he actually does here at KVGO. Brian manages the production of KVGO projects, designs the things that need designing (along with the wild Matthew Bell), builds the websites, corresponds with clients and much more. Brian is heavily influenced by modern, clean, minimalistic web design with a touch of craziness and fun.
Cool, but what about when he’s not keeping KVGO the well-oiled machine that it is?
Brian spent a good portion of his life playing guitar. He enjoys playing classic rock, metal and acoustic tunes, but will try to play anything that catches his ear. He is also a huge video game fan. Though he has a soft spot for Nintendo, he will play any game on any system that he can get his hands on. Brian also loves dogs and is adept at speaking gibberish to puppies. He also dabbles in a variety of art for fun, such as painting and drawing.
- KVGO Production Management 100%
- Graphic Design 70%
- KVGO Website Builds 95%
- Guitar Skills 80%
- Video Game Mastery 95%

Omari Wright
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
Hello! My name is Omari Wright and I am a web developer from Toronto, Ontario. I have been working with a variety of programming languages for about 15 years now, and it never gets boring. I have a diploma in Web Development & Internet Applications from Durham College. This allows me to have a diverse set of skills ranging from design, to HTML + CSS + Javascript, all the way to PHP + SQL.
- Web Development Skills 85%
- Driving Manual Skills 95%
- Technology Knowledge 90%
- American Dad & Futurama Knowledge 100%
- Current Pokemon Caught in Pokemon GO 32%
Random Stats
Because Random Stats are fun
Satisfied KVGO Customers
Coffee Consumed
Dino Game High Score
Cats Owned

Main Floor - 209 Mary St. | Port Perry, ON | L9L 1B7
phone 416.848.7486 | toll free 855.561.3688
KVGO is a division of Kleurvision Inc.